Video and Performance 

excerpts of performances from 2012-present. 

a few videos too

Unititled Performance from How to Measure the Weather at Emmanuel Gallery, Denver, CO

Oscillation Exercises, performance, performed between 2017-18 (photograph from performance at Cluster Gallery, Brooklyn, NY)

Objects and Thoughts and the Spaces They Inhabit, 2016-2018, video,
sound, 4:03.

Performance excerpts from Counter-Ambience w/ Flinching Eye Collective,

Oscillation Meditations, 2018, video, sound, 2:09

Kilsyth 1982, 2012, performance, duration varies

march13dunblane, 2013, video, sound, 3:34

Weakness Growing, 2013, performance, 1:30


©2012SaatchiGallery, video, sound, 1:24, collaboration with Benjamin Gale-